What is Earl Grey Tea?

Earl Grey Tea
Earl Grey Tea

Earl Grey Tea, a lesser known variety of tea is quiet famous in the western European countries. Earl Grey Tea is a blended tea with a distinctive citrus flavor and aroma that it gets from oil extracted from bergamot orange. Earl Grey Tea is mainly used for its citrus flavor in many cakes, chocolates and savory sauces. Earl Grey Tea has also gained a lot of popularity because of its health benefits.  Earl Grey Tea contains many health benefiting compounds and is becoming even more popular as more and more people are becoming aware of its health benefits.


1)Promotes Teeth Health

2)Fights Anxiety and Depression

3)Helps in weight Loss

4)Aids in Digestion

5)Fights Cancer

6)prevents Heart Diseases

7)Promotes Skin Health

What is Earl Grey Tea?
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What is Earl Grey Tea?
Earl Grey Tea, a lesser known variety of tea is quiet famous in the western European countries. Earl Grey Tea is a blended tea with a distinctive citrus flavor and aroma that it gets from oil extracted from bergamot orange
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