Making of the White tea

Scientifically traced to have a higher number of antioxidants , the White tea has popularity of one of the healthiest tea amongst all teas. White tea has a mild sweetening taste produced from the tender buds (covered with silver hairs) of the Camellia Sinensis plant of China’s Fujian province. These leaves are picked during the first 3 days of early spring.

The following steps helps to make the white tea perfectly:

  •  Use filtered water because other types of water can ruin the flavor of white tea. Boil water at 71 degree to 75 degree Celsius.
  • White tea can be brewed using a teapot/ tea infuser
  • Add 2 teaspoon white tea leaves per cup on the tea infuser. Add water. Leave it for at least 8 minutes.
  • Then use a strainer to pour the tea into the assigned cups or bowls whichever you prefer. Adding milk/ sugar to the White tea will ruin the true taste of the white tea.
  • Bitter brews occur when high temperature is applied on White tea. So it is better to use longer steeping time at cooler temperatures instead.

But there are some advantages of White tea over other tea types.

  • That is White teas can be steeped longer. About 8 to 10 minutes.
  • The used White tea leaves can be steeped again and again (for about 90 seconds) with the taste remaining consistent.


Namhah Rooibos Tea

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