Tag Archives: Black Tea

Different Varieties of Tea

Tea is an aromatic beverage which is commonly prepared by pouring  hot water over tea leaves. Some of the most popular varieties of tea- Black Tea Black tea is a type of tea that is more oxidized than  green and white teas. Black tea is generally stronger in flavour than the less oxidized teas. Chamomile […]

What is Oolong Tea and what are its benefits?

oolong Tea Leaf

Tea has been thought to be in a safeguard restorative classification in China for a large number of years. Green tea, Black tea and oolong tea are altogether produced using the leaves of the camellia sinensis plant. The distinction in the teas is to a great extent because of the variety in way they are […]

Whats a Perfect Brew?

Tea Brewing

After you have selected the teas, the most common question is How to brew a perfect cup of tea? Different leaves require different treatment. Some need boiling water, some slightly cooler water, and all need to be infused for a different length of time. However, if we are talking about a traditional black tea, the […]