Tag Archives: green tea

Teas That Are Helpful During Sore Throat

Drinking tea is one of the ancient  home remedies for curing sore throat. Below are some of the popular teas’ for curing sore throat. So let us check down the list below: Green Tea:  Popularly known for the ample health benefits , Green tea is packed with healthy antioxidants, green tea builds up immunity and removes cold […]

Significance of Green Tea Realised In the Assam- Arunachal Boundary

Green tea loaded with rich amount of antioxidants and phytonutrients provides protection to the body from harmful radicals. With the power to improve body metabolism and strengthen the immune system. It consists of those ingredients that supports cardiovascular system. While detoxifying the body, Green tea removes stress and anxiety. Also Green tea isn’t advisable to drink […]

White Tea – The Milder Tea To Start Your Day Positively!

White tea  prepared from the Camellia Sinensis plant are plucked before the leaves are ready to fully open, when the young buds are still covered in their fine white hairs, hence the name white tea came into existence. The tea and leaves are oxidized resulting in a tender and fresh flavor. However, the  white tea […]

Your Favourite Tea Says A Lot About You

When we talk about TEA , you will find that different teas’ gives you different flavors and changes your mood as per the flavor of that particular tea. Each type of tea have a different effect on us. Lets understand the personality which every tea emulates after drinking them:- GREEN TEA- Known to be a […]

Diabetes Can Be Cured While Sipping Green Tea!!

India, affected with more than 72 million diabetic patients is an extreme concern for the country.  India is among the top list when compared with the other countries with regard to the number of patients suffering from diabetes. Diabetes is such a chronic health disease in which blood sugar levels gets too high. In the […]

Drink these teas before sleeping and lose weight , a healthier way!!

Stress creates a lot of fats in our body if not checked timely. Stress comes in many different ways. Storing fats in the lower belly creates more stress and restricts the participant from getting a good night’s sleep.  So in modern science various formulas have been made for reducing stress and improving the quality of […]

Is Green Tea Better Than Coffee?

Green tea is widely demanded moreover for health purposes. Made from the dried leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant, these tiny little leafy shrub is responsible for the production of other teas such as black, pu-erh, oolong as well as the white teas’ .  The leaves of these plants are hand picked, hand sorted, dried […]

Should I Sip My Cup Of Green tea tonight?

Nowadays, mostly the working elites (especially the women) prefers sipping green tea during night time ,after they reach their homes completing assigned busy schedule.  These tea elites believe that the green tea leads them to a better sleep and wake them up more enthusiastically the next morning. The Green tea as seen has been the trend […]

Tea Story In A Nutshell

All teas’ detailing with green, oolong, white , yellow, black originates from the leaves of the peculiar plant known as the Camellia Sinensis .  The first step in the tea-making process is the plucking of the tea leaves . So the leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant is plucked and then the oxidation begins.  Now […]

Tea’s Which Particularly Removes Stress

With everyday new day approaching, people’s tensions keeps on rising. Anxiety and stress becomes tough to handle . So people rely on stress free pills which worsens more of their health . So with the passage of time, people started looking for a safer, more natural solution. The following teas will help in fighting against stress […]