Tag Archives: skin

Is Tea Tree Oil Really Beneficial For Your Skin?

Tea tree oil is normally a global cleanser used in the household cleaners, face wash, deodorant, massage oil, topical use, bath/shower as well as like the air freshener. Tea tree oil, an essential oil extracted from an Australian vegetation also known as Melaleuca Alternifolia has been used for several years in Australia for the healing properties it provides. Tea […]

Rosehip Tea, The Hidden Health Benefits!!

Freshly picked berries loaded with full of polyphenols, carotenoids , flavonoids were regarded since ancient times as the antioxidants  used for making rosehip tea. It was said and even told today that drinking Rosehip Tea everyday heals wounds faster ,protects humans against various kinds of illnesses, thereby making us immune. Herbs such as lemon balm, […]