Remove The Early Signs of Blindness by Drinking Tea Everyday

As we start ageing, the risk for vision loss starts increasing. Glaucoma is a severe eye condition which causes fluid pressure to build up inside the eyes . As a result , this damages the optic nerves. Though no early symptoms of glaucoma can be detected but advanced signs includes loss of vision.

Researchers states that hot tea drinkers were much lesser prone to glaucoma

Because the antioxidants and the neuro protective chemicals present in tea provides protective benefits to eyesight. Drinking it regularly decreases your eye problems . That is why during the ancient times , the elderly people preferred to have tea during any health ailments because they knew of the health effects tea bestows.  

Other research stated that caffeine changes the intraocular pressure. Intraocular pressure here means the fluid pressure inside the eye.  

This led the scientists explore the impact of decaffeinated and caffeinated drinks on glaucoma risk

Researchers are of the analysis that, ’’Ardent research still needed for proving the importance of hot tea consumption which plays an eminent role in the prevention of glaucoma.




Namhah Rooibos Tea

Original price was: ₹430.00.Current price is: ₹390.00.

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