‘Tea’ the Unknown Facts

Nothing can be soothing to the taste buds rather than sipping the cup of tea on a chilled afternoon. Known to be the most preferred drink after water ,lets have a look at the essence of tea if drank daily: 

  1. Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke-  Drinking black tea instead of other teas for four weeks continuously prevents artery diseases and reduces the risk of heart diseases like the heart attack and stroke.
  2.  Improves focus – Researches prove that combination of caffeine and L-Theanine, traced in tea, increases focus as well as concentration.
  3. . Helps in de-stress – Researches prove that people who drank tea for at least six weeks were able to de-stress quickly because tea lowered the levels of stress hormone cortisol in the blood 
  4. . Prevents cancer- Drinking English breakfast tea might also keep cancer at bay. Researchers traced that a compound in black tea which is known as the TF-2, caused colorectal cancer cells to destroy themselves without harming any other normal cells. The above benefits are research oriented and scientifically proven.
Original price was: ₹449.00.Current price is: ₹430.00.

Health and Wellness

Namhah Yellow Tea (50 gms)



Namhah Rooibos Tea

Original price was: ₹430.00.Current price is: ₹390.00.