Tips for Darkening Your Grey Hair


In this fast changing world, people prefer using ready made dyes so that it saves their time. They visit parlors, salons for formatting their grey hair. But there has been proves that the home made black tea helps in the darkening of grey hair.  Since black tea contains full of tannic acid, so if applied in the correct procedure, it darkens hair and the results are usually long lasting. 

Now let us look at the various procedures for making the desired home made Black dye for greying hair.

Procedure No 1: 

  • Take 4/5 tablespoons of black tea, pour the tea leaves into a saucepan which is filled with about 5 cups of water.
  • Put the temperature under boiling.
  • After it gets boiled ,  cool down immensely 
  • After cooling down, pour it throughout your hair. 
  • Let the concoction soak into the hair lock for about 45 minutes before rinsing out with warm water.

 Procedure No 2:

  • Turn your hair upside down and keep it rinsing with black tea.
  • Let the liquid rest for a minimum of 25-30 minutes.
  • Now, repeat the black tea rinsing for at least 2-3 times on your hair. 

This formats the texture of your hair thereby creating a lustrous thick dark black colour on hair.

Procedure No 3:

  • One can also take seven black tea bags, pour those tea leaves, mix it with four oregano and four rosemary leaves. 
  • After that boil it completely. 
  • Apply the blended boiled mixture all over the hair and let it sit for at least 2-3 hours depending on your hair length.
  • At last , wash off the liquid with cold water.

Apart from the tea procedures, other ways by which the hair can be darkened are by using grounded coffee beans or instant coffee grains and mixing it with tea which will result in long lasting dark brown lustrous tresses . 

  • So the procedures for this is boil 4 black( tea bags) into 4 cups of water. 
  • Add 4 tablespoon instant coffee to the mixture. 
  • Boil the said mixture for about 6 minutes. 
  • After the mixture gets cooled down, take hairbrush for applying the mixture on the hair. Let the liquid sit for an hour or two 
  • Then rinse it off with normal water.

Therefore, the above procedures were also used anciently when readymade hair colors and hair dyes were not even traced into the world market .


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