When we talk about TEA , you will find that different teas’ gives you different flavors and changes your mood as per the flavor of that particular tea. Each type of tea have a different effect on us. Lets understand the personality which every tea emulates after drinking them:-
- GREEN TEA- Known to be a slimming product, the green tea contains loaded a rich number of antioxidants which is overall beneficial for body and mind. Persons who love green tea have a very down to earth personality and are completely satisfied by little surprises .
- CTC TEA– This tea is usually consumed with milk because it provides freshness to carry out work positively. This type of tea is typically loved by adventure seeking people because they love doing hardwork and have a pleasant personality.
- MINT TEA– Mint stands for healing, purity, clarity. Mint tea promotes digestion, reduces stress, pain and improves the immune system. Individuals with a positive attitude who do not lose hope even when they face extreme failures in life love to sip this mint tea every morning.
- CHAMOMILE TEA– Known as the appropriate tea for patients suffering from insomnia , the Chamomile tea also helps in calming down, balances one’s mind. This tea is loved by those individuals who loves to create balance , peace in chaotic situations.
- BLACK TEA– Black tea has a rich, strong- flavor which attracts the straight-forward and bold personalities. This individuals usually have a curious mind , energetic as well as productive.
- WHITE TEA– Since the white tea is very light and filled with loads of fragrance, the tea is mostly attracted by those people who have a taste for the elite things of life. People who love travelling ,have good observation capacity , believe in doing things in a different way from the rest and are completely joyful in starting new journeys and completing it carefully desire this cup of white tea.
- OOLONG TEA– This tea is sipped by the romantic couple who seek universal harmony, are typically good friends and have fascination for good food.
- HERBAL TULSI ICED TEA– This kind of tea are usually sipped by those people like the youngsters who are very much social and wish to explore life in an extraordinary way .
- EARL GREY TEA– This tea is admired by those people who are truly efficient. Therefore, the above teas’ helps in nurturing our personaliities more vividly.