What is Zelensky Tea? Where can you buy it?

Zelensky Tea

A tea company located in Assam, has released a CTC tea named after Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to “respect his heroism and courage” in the face of Russian invasion. This was done to draw an analogy between the President’s character and valor and that of the Assam tea. Assam Tea, which is majorly CTC, stands […]

Which Tea helps in weight loss?

Tea is the second most drunk beverage enjoyed around the world. By pouring hot water onto tea leaves and allowing them to steep the flavor infuses into the water. Drinking tea has been associated with many health benefits, including protecting cells from damage and reducing the risk of heart disease. Some studies have stated that […]

What does CTC Tea mean?

The Full form of CTC is Crush, Turn Curl. CTC is a method of processing black tea specifically in the Assam tea producing region in which the camelia sinnesis leaves are passed through a series of cylindrical rollers with hundreds of sharp teeth that crush, tear, and curl the tea into small, hard pellets/balls. The Tea is […]

Immunity Booster Teas

For the Last few months during the Corona Outbreak we had received lot of queries regarding Immunity booster teas. We have also seen many Immunity Booster Teas in the market. Generally Speaking Tea itself has lost of immunity boosting properties. You can refer this article which states that tea itself contains substance that fights infections and […]