Category Archives: Health Benefits

What is Rooibos Tea ?

What is Rooibos Tea ? Rooibos is a popular herbal tea which originated in South Africa. It is a herb which when harvested and dried can be brewed into a ‘Reddish brown’ coloured tea. Rooibos tea is gaining popularity worldwide as a healthy and tasty tea. Evolution of Rooibos Tea Rooibos tea has evolved over […]

Why Loose Leaf Tea is better than regular CTC Tea

Why Loose Leaf Tea( Orthodox  Tea )  is  better  than  regular  CTC tea Before  proceeding with the comparison of Loose Leaf Tea and CTC tea Let us understand what do both these terms mean Loose Leaf Tea:- Loose Leaf Tea is produced using the traditional methods of Tea production which includes plucking, withering ,rolling, oxidation […]

Why White Tea is Better than Green Tea?

Green tea is the most suggested tea or the first tea that comes to mind when you think of teas for weight loss.But white tea may be just be more effective when it comes to burning fat. Both green tea and white tea have good levels of caffeine and catechins like epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a compound […]

Take some White Tea, and Healthier you be!

White Tea Black Back

Unlike black or green tea, white tea is the least processed forms of tea made from beautiful silver buds that have been steamed and dried. Because of its minimal processing white tea contains more nutrients than many other popular teas out there in the market. A cup of white tea today can bring you a […]

A “YES” to GREEN TEA for A “NO” to Depression!

Most of us, hanker for green tea for its Weight loss benefit. But to meet your excitement,  the green cuppa you love  also aids  depression. Now, HOW is an interesting question in your mind right now! The hectic schedule of everyone has left almost everyone alone in this world.  Most  of the time peoplesuffer from […]

Muscatel Tea and Its taste and Benefits

China Muscatel Tea Leaves

The fury and smell of a Darjeeling muscatel is attempted and tried. The muscatels’ has given Darjeeling its personality. It is very uncommon to go over a genuine muscatel since this tea is a result of an adjustment of many elements required really taking shape. The seasons, the amicability of time of pickings and the […]

Why you should drink Namhah Green Tea Every day?

Green Tea Organic

Over the most recent couple of years, Green tea has turned into a much prominent drink the world over. The real purpose behind its ubiquity is that it is incredibly valuable for your well being. Many people feel that if they are not drinking 2 cups daily, they would pass up a great opportunity which […]

What is Oolong Tea and what are its benefits?

oolong Tea Leaf

Tea has been thought to be in a safeguard restorative classification in China for a large number of years. Green tea, Black tea and oolong tea are altogether produced using the leaves of the camellia sinensis plant. The distinction in the teas is to a great extent because of the variety in way they are […]