Category Archives: Health Benefits

Rosehip Tea, The Hidden Health Benefits!!

Freshly picked berries loaded with full of polyphenols, carotenoids , flavonoids were regarded since ancient times as the antioxidants  used for making rosehip tea. It was said and even told today that drinking Rosehip Tea everyday heals wounds faster ,protects humans against various kinds of illnesses, thereby making us immune. Herbs such as lemon balm, […]

Specific Tea Types That Removes Motion Sickness!!

Motion Sickness , this is the common problem for most of the travellers reading whether they are travelling by car, by bus or by any other modes of transport. Drinking tea reduces the motion of motion sickness. Tea consists of powerful ingredients that prevents the motion sickness symptoms. Apart from specific diets , there are certain […]

Drinking Tea Everyday Improves Creativity

Consuming tea is not only beneficial for health, it also benefits your creativity when drank within a certain limit. This allows body and mind to function naturally in a creative way. Chai has given its passionate lovers a new reason to indulge in their cravings. New studies reveal that tea consumption improves focus as well […]

Diabetes Can Be Cured While Sipping Green Tea!!

India, affected with more than 72 million diabetic patients is an extreme concern for the country.  India is among the top list when compared with the other countries with regard to the number of patients suffering from diabetes. Diabetes is such a chronic health disease in which blood sugar levels gets too high. In the […]

Drink these teas before sleeping and lose weight , a healthier way!!

Stress creates a lot of fats in our body if not checked timely. Stress comes in many different ways. Storing fats in the lower belly creates more stress and restricts the participant from getting a good night’s sleep.  So in modern science various formulas have been made for reducing stress and improving the quality of […]

The Secrets Behind Cinnamon Tea!!

Cinnamon is one of the most commonly used spices in the world. Created from the bark of the cinnamon tree , the spice has been used in natural healer/ointment (medicine) and also in the culinarian world. Adding Cinnamon to the traditional Indian tea makes the taste more relinquishing. Improves heart health- Cinnamon reduces the traces […]

Is Green Tea Better Than Coffee?

Green tea is widely demanded moreover for health purposes. Made from the dried leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant, these tiny little leafy shrub is responsible for the production of other teas such as black, pu-erh, oolong as well as the white teas’ .  The leaves of these plants are hand picked, hand sorted, dried […]

Earl Grey Iced Tea? How To Prepare It?

Earl Grey has some sort of a lemony taste! When Earl Grey iced tea is made, it has the consistent lemony taste with a much more sweet flavor. This flavored black tea is perfect for those who loves tea in a sweet tooth. Adding of lemon, enhances the lemony flavor of Earl Grey tea.  Honey adds  […]

Should I Sip My Cup Of Green tea tonight?

Nowadays, mostly the working elites (especially the women) prefers sipping green tea during night time ,after they reach their homes completing assigned busy schedule.  These tea elites believe that the green tea leads them to a better sleep and wake them up more enthusiastically the next morning. The Green tea as seen has been the trend […]

Benefits of Naturally Blended Teas’

 There’s something too exciting about these naturally blended teas. The best part about it is the rich aroma of the florals, which immediately lifts senses, thereby making one calm after a day’s long stress. These days the tea lovers keep on experimenting with the flowers and fruits and blended teas. The infusions are on track […]